How To Use Time scale In A Sentence
Geoengineering options could be useful to address the long-term stabilisation of CO2 in the atmosphere over a time scale of one century, or to reduce atmospheric CO2 back to its pre-industrial level if we find that such a measure is needed.
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Ken, I restricted the cusum chart to the same time scale as the MSU satellite data.
Bill Gray and the Atlantic Meridional Mode « Climate Audit
Can you give me any sort of time scale for the completion of the building work?
Superimposed on this long-frequency / large-amplitude wavelength are smaller oscillations on millennial to annual time scales.
Thanks to Oliver Zompro and Erich Tilgner, two entomologists with expertise on Phasmids and allied groups and their taxonomy and evolution, for their patient explanations and copious references; to the Phasmid Study Group for allowing me to use some of their phasmid photographs; to Reed for setting up the Geologic Time Scale page and PT crew members for comments, suggestions, and for refreshing my Latin.
Behe and bugs: Genesis of a Creationist canard? - The Panda's Thumb

You are correct when you say As the laws of nature are time scale independent , both obey exactly the same laws.
Unthreaded #18 « Climate Audit
This is what happened in the 1930s and, over a longer time scale, it has happened over recent decades in contemporary society.
Each stage is then dependent on those before and predictions about time scales can be made.
Computers Basic Facts
Here, I supplement that approximation by a two time scale analysis allowing for modeling a system including slow buffers.
A truly comprehensive approach would need to consider a geologic and biologic time scale of some four billion years.
The time scale involved may make it not possible to afford an opportunity to comment.
Demanding time scales require logistic units to set up quickly with the minimum deployment footprint yet remain responsive to rapidly changing operational needs.
CarbFix's designers, in effect, are radically speeding up the natural process called weathering, in which weak carbonic acid in rainwater transforms rock minerals over geologic time scales.
The Seattle Times
The truth of the matter is that he has breached the time scale of his ETD and thinks government may arrest him," government spokesman
ANC Daily News Briefing
Also, the path shape may change within the range of time scales used in the study; this will appear as a U- or inverted U-shaped pattern in a plot of residuals vs. expected values.
It is interesting to note that green iguana growth patterns are similar to those found by Tracy, in chuckwallas, although on a different time scale.
Over the time scale of human history, even the gradual increase in its mean distance from the Earth is not a significant effect compared to the monthly in-and-out movement varying its angular size.
As I have independently concluded and stated in this blog, which is also stated in #407, there is no noise in climate, by definition. recalling that exponential growth may lead to strange attractors and feature-laden noise structures at ALL time scales?
Exponential Growth in Physical Systems #2 « Climate Audit
This process is functionally equivalent to swarming in honeybees, but with a longer time scale.
Astronomers see these processes occurring in other stars and witness outbursts and oscillations in stellar sizes on all sorts of time scales.
The system provides an interesting experimental model because the structural transitions occur over the time scale of weeks.
This paper studys the single standing wave mode in a circular cylinder which is subjected to a vertical oscillation, employing two-time scales singular perturbation expansion.
We concentrate on phosphorus as the nutrient that is biolimiting on geological time scales and potentially leaves a complete geological record.
on the geological time scale mankind has existed but for a brief moment
Other animals such as echinoderms and interstitial worms can attach and let go on a time scale of seconds.
Performance in education is complex, controversial and should properly be set in the context of long time scales.
An analysis of the variation of large-scale drought with SSTs revealed connections at interannual and possibly decadal time scales.
About: Blinded by Science
Now that Eno is a serious thinker about time scales and generative systems and Byrne is a serious thinker about powerpoint, what kind of music will they make? » Blog Archive » Shiny New Albums from Bands You’ve Heard Of
On the shortest time scale of a few picoseconds, the lipids show bond and angle fluctuations of dihedral angles within the same molecule.
The messages that DNA molecules contain are all but eternal when seen against the time scale of individual lifetimes.
The milli - to picosecond time scales gave important information on chemical reactions.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
This suggests that there is no characteristic time scale for the process, reminiscent of the dynamics of plastic flow in solids, which is termed creep.
The spacecraft's attitude control system was divided into the outer loop that was angle loop and the inner loop that was angle velocity loop based on their time scales.
What induces the appearance of incoherence about unity is the short time scale.
A chaotic model might well exhibit “interesting” behavior on a whole spectrum of time scales, though, as various parts of the dynamic cycle undergo epicyclic oscillations.
Willis E on Hansen and Model Reliability « Climate Audit
An initial exponential decay of current corresponds to the inactivation of monomer channel conductance and a longer time scale quasi-steady-state represents the diffusion of ions to a bimolecular surface reaction.
Even a Nobel Prize winner can hatch an ignoratio elenchi, as evidenced by Laughlin's essential argument: because the climate has been and will continue to be controlled on geologic time scales by natural processes, such as changes in the Earth's orbit and cometary impacts, the climate is "beyond our control" and "the climate ought not concern us too much when we are gazing into the energy future.
Bill Chameides: Red Herring Alert: Planet Earth Does Not Need a Care Package
His great genius was to see the global scope, and indefinite time scale, of the mechanisms of change operating cyclically on earth.
Drilling at Vostok in Antarctica has produced an outstanding record of climate and atmospheric composition on millennial to centennial time scales for the last 420,000 years (Figs. 1,7).
So if we think on that time scale, if we think as far ahead as geologists are accustomed to think backwards into the past, then it's not crazy.
Even a geologist can function without agreeing to the time scale; he just needs to be able to sort out the lithologic sequences and events.
The Restraining Order Between Faith And Science « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
And, while I am still in nit-picking mode, the cyclical nature of Lake Chapala's fluctuating levels, referred to several times in the text, may well be more a function of the time scales employed on the graphs (pages 28 and 354) in this volume, rather than being indicative of any genuine cyclical behavior.
Lake Chapala: a review of "The Lerma-Lake Chapala watershed: evaluation and management"
Biogeography and comparative phylogeography differ in their potential to explain incongruent patterns, owing to the disparate time scales.
The reason is that all these figures give us an idea of what to expect from our own investments and borrowings over various time scales.
On the geological time scale mankind has existed but for a brief moment.
Specific price and time scale will depend on market conditions.
The foremost neptunist, Abraham Gottlob Werner, was probably the single man most responsible for the concept of the geological time scale.
Vulcanists & Neptunists
The coincidence needs to be viewed in the light of the fact that the world's temperature has always gone up and down like a yo-yo on all sorts of time scales.
Even a Nobel Prize winner can hatch an ignoratio elenchi, as evidenced by Laughlin's essential argument: because the climate has been and will continue to be controlled on geologic time scales by natural processes, such as changes in the Earth's orbit and cometary impacts, the climate is "beyond our control" and "the climate ought not concern us too much when we are gazing into the energy future.
Bill Chameides: Red Herring Alert: Planet Earth Does Not Need a Care Package
The time scales of vertical transport through the water column are likely to be too short for significant geostrophic and baroclinic modification of the vertical density currents themselves.
It did not belong to this "yuga" or epoch on the Hindu time scale just as the monk had claimed.
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The time scale distortion is the main factor that affects the precision and reliability of the movable-bed models in case of unsteady flow.
The ssNa record is a 20-year smoothed version, resampled at 6-yr resolution, and is plotted against the time scale for GISP 2 from Meeker and Mayewski, 2004.
Gulf of Mexico SST Proxy « Climate Audit
The truth is that spiritual matters like self - purification and renunciation cannot be measured by Time scale.
However, as I began this part of the argument with, the century time scale is short for chaotic transitions in something as highly inertial as the climate system, and it is quite non-chaotic, and in a sense boring and predictable, when you only run these models 100 years.
Exponential Growth in Physical Systems « Climate Audit